Keep Time Ticking
Lemnos Clocks
Collaborating with esteemed designers Lemnos produces high-quality timepieces by working with craftsmen who enhance the value of the material through their interaction with it. The result is a design object that does not become obsolete through the passage of time. Lemnos designs have received high acclaim and design awards all over the world.
Thomson Paper Clock - Indigo
Sale price$214.95
Thomson Paper Clock - Saffron
Sale price$214.95
Thomson Paper Clock - Silk
Sale price$214.95
Root Round Clock - Brown
Sale price$274.95
Root Square Clock - Brown
Sale price$319.95
Kehai Clock - Yellow
Sale price$229.95
Riki Steel Clock White - Lemnos
Sale price$239.95
Riki Clock Optima - Lemnos
Sale price$239.95
Riki Lightness Clock - Lemnos
Sale price$199.95
Orange Cara Clock - Lemnos
Sale price$189.95
Green Soso Clock - Lemnos
Sale price$174.95
Orange Soso Clock - Lemnos
Sale price$174.95
Grey Soso Clock - Lemnos
Sale price$174.95
Riki Alarm Clock Piano Paint - Lemnos
Sale price$169.95
Riki Alarm Clock - Lemnos
Sale price$169.95
M Clock White - Lemnos
Sale price$144.95
M Clock Grey - Lemnos
Sale price$144.95
Kehai Clock - Gray
Sale price$229.95